How to Sell Jesus to a Skeptic

How to Sell Jesus to a Skeptic

How to Sell Jesus to a Skeptic

Skepticism is a theory questioning the validity of an acquired knowledge. Skeptic is an attitude of a non-believer that disregards a theory as false. In almost all aspects of life, there is a skeptic that refuses to go along with a widely known theory. In the case of religion, specifically Christianity, skeptics question the teachings and authenticity of the Bible.

The obstacle every Christian faces when running into a skeptic is convincing them of the truth of Jesus. Before you begin to share your views, you will have to identify the type of skeptic they are.

The Two Kinds of Skeptics

Skeptics are of two types, an open-minded skeptic and a close-minded skeptic. They can be your friend, co-worker, parent, child, and classmate, amongst others. When you sense a hint of skepticism, just listen to them for a while before you begin to counter their points. You don’t want to get into a brawl or shouting match with them, but calmly listen to their views. While they speak, take the time to determine which side of the skeptic spectrum they fall into, open-minded or close-minded.

The Traits of an Open-minded Skeptic

Classrooms and media are the main cause for construing an individual’s belief about the resurrection of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. The person behind their changed thoughts could be another open-minded skeptic who introduced his or her theories about the religion. Their theories justified by their own set of ideologies on the matter could turned the individual into an open-minded skeptic.

For an open-minded skeptic, Bible is based on myths while the resurrection of Jesus is a fairytale. An open discussion about religion is more than welcome by them.

With enough evidence on hand, chances of converting a skeptic into a believer are high. However, not the same can be said about a close-minded skeptic, as they are much harder to convince.

The Traits of a Closed-Minded Skeptic

The attitude of a close-minded skeptic is similar to a hard shell, difficult to crack. When they make up their mind about something, they don’t want to listen to others trying to dissuade them. They are likely to shun any form of intellectual and open discussion about the issue and may get enraged if someone attempts to proof them wrong. Even if they agree to discuss the Bible and Jesus with you, you will quickly discern that no matter what you say to them, they will stick to their views regardless of the amount of evidence you present.

The skeptics whether they are open or close-minded share one fear. Both of them are afraid to consider the evidence and ponder over it, as if it happens to shake the attitude they have formed over the years, they may have to change their way of living.

The question remains that how can one sell Jesus to a skeptic. Looking at the two drastic views of each type of skeptic, selling Jesus is much harder than you fathomed. Still, a possibility remains that you may find an entry way into their mind where you can instill your views and help them convince of the authenticity of the Christian beliefs.

Answering the Challenging Questions Posed by Skeptics

  1. Jesus didn’t resurrect, but Jews took his body or his followers moved the body.

For the body being moved the last minute by his followers, it seems unbelievable, as his followers wouldn’t lie, especially when Jesus insisted on them to follow the path of truth.

Furthermore, Jesus on countless time had predicted his resurrection, which is mentioned in the Old Testament prophecies. Plus, Paul noted in 1 Corinthians 15 that at least 500 people were present to witness the resurrection.

  1. It’s hard to believe that the manuscripts remained unchanged over the years

Skeptics have a hard time believing the reliability of following something so old. They claim that the passages of the manuscripts were changed. This question has evoked strong feelings of great concern and has been investigated many times in the past. In order to combat the claims of skeptics, people compared the writings of famous scientists such as Plato with the New Testament, resulting in accuracy and reliability of the religious manuscript.

  1. There are no facts to support the writings of the scriptures

Skeptics’ refusal to believe in the scriptures was proven false when archaeologists discovered evidence in ancient cities. They uncovered the writings of Luke and other proof regarding the writings in the scriptures.

If you run into a skeptic and these questions come up, state your points in a logical and calm manner.

 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16 (NIV)

A Selection of Skepticism Reply Quotes

” If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like his teaching but whether or not he rose from the dead.”  ~ Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

“If you wait until your motives are pure and unselfish before you do something, you will wait forever.”
~ Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

Want to learn more go to:-  10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Jesus  

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