Little Harry


Little Harry 

Little Harry

Until  a child tells you what they are thinking, we  can’t even begin to imagine how their mind is  working….

Little  Harry was doing very badly in math. His  parents had tried everything…tutors, mentors, flash  cards, special learning  centers. In  short, everything they could think of to help his math.

Finally, in a last ditch effort, they took Harry down and  enrolled him In the local Catholic school. After  the first day, little Harry came home with a  very serious look on his face. He didn’t even  kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and  little Harry was hard at work. His mother was  amazed. She called him down to  dinner.

To  her shock, the minute he was done, he marched  back to his room without a word, and in no time, he was back hitting the books as hard as  before. This  went on for some time, day after day, while the  mother tried to understand what made all the difference. Finally,  little Harry brought home his report Card. He  quietly laid it on the table, went up to his  room and hit the books. With great trepidation, 

His Mom looked at it and to her great surprise….

Little Harry got an ‘A’ in  math. 

She  could no longer hold her curiosity. She went to  his room and said, ‘Son, what was it? Was it the  nuns?’ Little Harry looked at her and shook his  head, no.. ‘Well, then,’ she replied, Was it the  books, the discipline, the structure, the  uniforms? WHAT WAS  IT?’

Little  Harry looked at her and said,

‘Well, on the  first day of school when I saw that guy nailed  to the plus sign, I knew they weren’t fooling around.‘  


Author ~Unknown


“The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things; they simply appreciate the things they have” ~Unknown



I am responsible.  Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.”

~ Walter Anderson  Author of The Confidence Course: Seven Steps to Self-Fulfillment

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