10 Ways to Save Money on Vacations

10 Ways to Save Money on Vacations

10 Ways to Save Money on Vacations

We all love to travel, but it is too expensive for the majority of us to afford. How about a great adventure at your favorite destination within a controlled budget? Interested? Of course you are!

Here are a few tricks to save money while enjoying your vacations to steer clear of regrets on your return.

1.     Research before Planning Your Travel

You can get cheaper tickets for your travel. Book your tickets at least a month before. Also, be flexible with dates. Wednesdays and Thursdays are when you can typically get the cheapest tickets. Go for it!

2.     Keep Yourself Updated

You have a smart phone. You only have to use it smartly. Social Media is best place to keep you updated about the current dynamics of travel plans. People are saving a lot, why can’t you?

3.     Buy Package Deals

Only a fool would overlook those wonderfully low cost deals that every company in every country is offering. Come on people, all it takes is some research!

10 Ways to Save Money on Vacations

4.     Manage Your Time

You can escape a lot of expenses if you properly time your entire trip. Days can be dedicated to fun moments and nights can be spent travelling to newer destinations. This will cut the accommodation cost.  Not a bad move I guess.

5.     Select the Destinations Efficiently

If you are travelling to a place that currency value is a lot more than yours, you my friend, are in a fix. Go for the place that will cater to your money constraints. Ultimately, it is the company and experiences that matter, not the place.

6.     Come off Your High Horse

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Staying at your horse would not help you much. Try mingling with the locals and they will guide you to possibly the cheapest restaurant with the tastiest food in the vicinity. The locals can also assist you in gathering information about the public transport, a very low cost way to commute.

7.     Avoid Getting Useless Souvenirs

Yes family and friends might be difficult to handle, however, there is no point in buying key chains, trophies or handmade pillow cushions. A photo shoot will do though. Spend smartly on the experiences. They are what you will remember in the long run.

8.     Say No Toiletries

Have faith that you would not be spending night on a roadside tavern or bathing under the sun. Hotel, no matter how cheap, do provide you with shampoo and soap. Give them some credit.

9.      Invest On Experiences

People would not remember dining at a posh restaurant following all the rules of fine dining. If you are lucky enough to travel, don’t hesitate to experience life to its fullest. Para gliding, scuba diving, jet skiing, under water diving, hiking, and etc. etc. are some of the adventures you can boost about later with your grandchildren.

10.    Try the Free Stuff

You can do some amazingly crazy stuff while on vacations that will truly fulfill your emotional and psychological needs, without spending a dime. No one has to pay for a night under a starry sky. Believe me, you would not regret this one.


“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” ~ Roy M. Goodman

A Selection of Vacation Quotes

“Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.” – George Carlin

“Every perfect traveler always creates the country where he travels.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

“Our Nature lies in movement; complete calm is death.” – Blaise Pascal

“It is a strange thing to come home. While yet on the journey, you cannot at all realize how strange it will be.” – Selma Lagerlöf

“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” – Roy M. Goodman

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