10 Quick Tips about Attitude

10 Quick Tips about Attitude

10 Quick Tips about Attitude

When you think positive, positive things happen. The key behind this philosophy is to encourage people to maintain a positive attitude, even when life throws them a curve ball. The ability to have a positive outlook on matters is one of the biggest challenges you will face in life. Mainly because it’s easier to maintain a negative attitude than a positive one.

It’s easier to feel sorry for yourself than give yourself a pep talk to cheer you up. People who can’t seem to find a pause button for their negative thoughts are the most miserable. We don’t want you to become one of those who only fears the worst in all situations. These ten quick tips will refresh your outlook on life and bring forth a renewed attitude in you:

ü  Wake Up Early

Waking up later in the day once or twice is acceptable, but every day is a matter of great concern. Your attitude depends on the time you wake up in the morning and wasting the whole day partying the night away, browsing the internet, or watching movies late into the night is a formula for disaster. It will create havoc on your mood. So, wake up early and fresh to improve your attitude.

ü  Plan Ahead of Schedule

Sometimes, life needs organization to enhance one’s attitude. Maybe, your life is a mess say like the current state of your room or closet. Finding something through the mess of clothes and belongings will frustrate you beyond control.

You may lash out at others or just scream at the top of your lungs to decrease the rush of negative feelings that are brewing inside of you. Therefore, to avoid waking up your inner demon, plan out your day. You have to go to the store, write it down. You have to talk to your landlord, jot it down. Get a planner to stay on top of things.

ü  Get in Shape

Body images are prevalent in today’s society where chiseled abs, taut stomach, and sculpted figure are all the rage amongst people. No, you don’t have to look like a model on the cover of a fitness magazine, but squeezing in time for a quick workout isn’t such a bad idea. For once, it will boost your attitude and your health. In fact, make this part of your morning routine.

ü  Listen to Words of Inspiration

At times, you need someone to tell you that you are intelligent, beautiful, and a good person. Hearing someone compliment you will make you feel good and help you find your happy place. If positive people surround you, they will listen to your thoughts, and with their kind words, make you feel better about yourself. Another way to keep the negative thoughts at bay is to read articles, books, or listen to tapes that are meant to inspire and motivate you.

ü  Go After Your Goals

If you think the CEO of the company you want to work for will come knocking at your door, you are stuck living in a dream that many of us are guilty of doing. You need to go after the opportunity with passion and determination. You can’t sit there waiting for it to come to you, as life doesn’t work that way. When you have landed a steady job that you enjoy, you will be at peace with your attitude on an increase.



ü  Learn to Laugh

Have you heard of laughing therapy? Laughing therapy’s aim is to enhance a person’s mood by telling them to laugh loudly. When you are sitting at home alone or in your room, laugh loudly without a care in the world. You will quickly see how much it helps improve your attitude. If you think that it’s silly to laugh at nothing, watch movies or read something funny to find the smile that’s trapped inside of you.

ü  Learn to Mediate

Regular mediation can help you calm down and decrease stress. On days, you are extremely busy or something frustrating occurs, come home and mediate to help you maintain your positive attitude.

ü  Don’t Put Yourself Down

When you are feeling down and out, remember that there are people that have it far worse than you. Stop putting yourself in the corner, but learn to take responsibility of your feelings to resolve them before they drown you.

ü  Lend a Helping Hand

When you help someone, you automatically feel good. When a simple thank you can uplift your mood, imagine what giving to charity or helping out at a shelter will do for you.

ü  You Are Not Perfect

You are not perfect, and that’s okay. You will make mistakes, but then again, everyone makes mistakes. The secret is not to dwell on those mistakes, but learn from them and move on.

These ten quick tips about attitude will help you maintain a positive attitude so even your gloomiest days feel bright.



"The attitude is very important. Because, your behavior radiates how you feel." ~ Lou Ferrigno



A Selection of Attitude Quotes

“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.” ~ Irving Berlin

“Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.” ~ Pat Riley

“When you ain’t got no money, you gotta get an attitude.” ~ Richard Pryor

“A positive attitude is not going to save you. What it’s going to do is, everyday, between now and the day you die, whether that’s a short time from now or a long time from now, that every day, you’re going to actually live. ~ Elizabeth Edwards

“The attitude is very important. Because, your behavior radiates how you feel.” ~ Lou Ferrigno


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