Technology Leading the Front Line against Terrorism

Technology Leading the Front Line against Terrorism Yes, technology really has advanced to this point that it is now aiding in the fight against terrorism. Be it in the form of software applications or actual fighting devices, technology is becoming the front line that is helping people around the world>>>

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How to Survive Around Negative People

How to Survive Around Negative People There are cosmic blackholes that suck matter. And then there are human blackholes that suck your positive energy. It gets increasingly difficult to work with such negative people in your team or your workplace. Their day isn’t complete unless they have burst your bubble>>>

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Jargon to Avoid While Communicating In a Workplace

Jargon to Avoid While Communicating In a Workplace Along with the genesis of a word and its usage into our daily life conversations, there is also the evolution of terms which become specific to a particular place, field or industry. Such words are known as jargons which hold a clear>>>

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Is your job sucking your soul? Here is what you should do

Is your job sucking your soul? Here is what you should do It’s actually inevitable. After working for a while at any place, you eventually get tired of your job and start hating it. Every job comes with its downsides – that is why they call it ‘work’. But if>>>

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Tips to Beat Your False Self-Image to Lose Weight

Tips to Beat Your False Self-Image to Lose Weight When your peers and sometimes, your closed ones such as your parents and relatives keep putting you down, always hounding you about how you look, you tend go into your shell. You never come out of that shell because you fear>>>

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4 Ways To Conquer Your Fear

4 WAYS TO CONQUER YOUR FEAR For anyone to survive, they must overcome their fear/s. conquering them will bring forth success for you. Getting scared of things or people slows you down or makes you lose. Fear can be of anything be it fear of exam, drugs, change, water, heights,>>>

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Why You Should Focus on Improving Body Language

Why You Should Focus on Improving Body Language Through body language, people convey a lot about themselves. In fact, it has become the basis for befriending someone to hiring someone for a job. Body language is one of the first things that people see and it’s through body language that>>>

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Why People Love to Hate You

Why People Love to Hate You People that find themselves at the brunt of people’s anger probably did something to deserve it. If the backlash and burns aren’t justified than congratulations! You are one of the lucky individuals that get hate for no particular reason, as people just love to hate>>>

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10 Quick Tips about Attitude

10 Quick Tips about Attitude When you think positive, positive things happen. The key behind this philosophy is to encourage people to maintain a positive attitude, even when life throws them a curve ball. The ability to have a positive outlook on matters is one of the biggest challenges you>>>

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Buzzwords De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Practice Your Faith

Buzzwords De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Practice Your Faith Often, most people visit their religious institutions to hear about the lessons their faith has taught them. When the sermon ends, they get up, leave, and wait for that day to arrive again. However, in doing so, is it fair to>>>

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