Some things that SEO companies don’t tell you

Some things that SEO companies don’t tell you

Some things that SEO companies don’t tell you

Search Engine Optimization, or simply SEO, is the practice of using best practices as prescribed the dominant search engines to get a web page higher up in the rankings, is crucial for every online business. After all, if potential customers can’t find your business via search, you don’t really exist in their eyes. For this purpose, a lot of businessmen place their complete trust in their SEO agencies blindly, often paying huge amounts of money. Beware, for if you aren’t careful, you could be working with people who might well be taking advantage of you.

“The SEO business is 80 percent scam. It’s very, very difficult to find a good firm.” says Peter Kent, a reputable internet marketing specialist.

Here are some basic things SEO consultants typically hide just to attract new clients.

Rankings are temporary

One fact most SEO consultants don’t want you to know is that SEO is an ongoing process, with rankings continuously fluctuating. They ask you to pay a handsome amount to get your site on the top, but as soon as the contract is over, you will end up back where you started in the rankings. Once you stop paying them, the contract is terminated you will again be at square one.

Poor Quality work

If your SEO firm figures you don’t really have a lot of understanding of how SEO is done, they may use blackhat tactics, using keywords in a manner that violates Google’s terms. They only disclose the rankings and results to you that are achieved by doing low quality work in a short span of time to get your check. This always, always backfires, ending up in your website being penalized severely later on.

SEO is not a technical skill

SEO clients brag and complicate the whole SEO Optimization as if it’s a very sophisticated skill to master, only to impress their clients. In reality, majority of these so-called SEO pros lack proper knowledge of Google’s search algorithms. It’s all about building connections and gaining attention on the web with a good amount of market research and building links with others.

SEO takes time

Many SEO companies hide the fact that there is a lot of time required to improve the rankings and work gradually to make a spot on top by increasing traffic. They promise instant results just to attract clients by doing low quality work, stuffing keywords in content and similar tactics to fool search bots. This never lasts.


Google demands high quality content for your rankings hence the long term and proper way of promoting your site is via ethical means. Avoidance of unnecessary keywords and making biased contracts with agencies should be avoided at all costs.

"The future of SEO is here: understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines." ~ Adam Audette

A Selection of SEO Quotes

“On a broad scale, I see SEO becoming a normalized marketing tactic, the same way TV, radio, and print are traditionally thought of as marketing tactics.” ~ Duane Forrester  Senior Product Manager, Bing 

“The future of SEO is here: understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines.” ~ Adam Audette  Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG

“Social is the way our work gets discovered. Content that is truly exceptional, unique, and useful can earn tremendous awareness through social media, and that social amplification often leads to great links, which leads to great rankings.” ~ Rand Fishkin  CEO/Co-Founder  Moz 

“What continues to plague search marketers is the adherence to old-think issues: ‘Content is too hard to create.’ ‘Links are too hard to build organically.’ This type of focus blinds you to more important things.” ~ Duane Forrester  Senior Product Manager, Bing

“The days of SEO being a game outsmarting algorithms are over. Today content strategy and valuable, sustainable strategies are essential, not just tricks and links.” ~ Adam Audette  Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG 

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