Fascinating TOMBSTONE quotes

Fascinating TOMBSTONE quotes

Sir John Strange; Here lies an honest lawyer, And that is Strange.

— Tombstone in England I was somebody. Who, is no business Of yours.

— Vermont As the flowers are all made sweeter by the sunshine and the dew, So this old world is made brighter by the lives Of folks like you.

— Bonnie Parker (Bonnie and Clyde) Here lies Lester Moore; Four slugs from a .44; No Les No More.

— Tombstone Arizona John Brown is filling his last cavity. — Dentist’s Tombstone I told you that I was sick!

— Georgia Cemetary, USA Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake; Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.

— Pennsylvania Tombstone, USA Remember man, as you walk by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so shall you be, Remember this and follow me.

— Tombstone in England To follow you I’ll not consent, Until I know which way you went.

— Written on the tombstone in reply to one above The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna, Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna.

— England Tombstone Under the sod and under the trees, Lies the body of Jonathan Pease. He is not here, there’s only the pod; Pease shelled out and went to God.

— Massachusetts Tombstone Gone away, Owin’ more than he could pay.

— England Alien tears will fill for him; Pity’s long-broken ern. For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn. — Oscar Wilde’s Tombstone

Here is a complete list of Walt Disney’s Haunted Mansion tombstones, and in some cases, which Imagineer they reference to.

RIP GOOD FRIEND GORDON now you’ve crossed the river jordan

RIP in memorium uncle myall HERE YOU’LL REST FOR QUITE A WHILE (Chuck Myall – Art Director)

REST IN PEACE COUSIN HUET we all know you didn’t do it

HERE RESTS WATHEL R. BENDER he rode to glory on a fender (Wathel Rodgers – illusionist, mechanical genius)

HERE LIES GOOD OLD FRED a great big rock fell on his head

AT PEACEFUL REST LIES BROTHER CLAUDE planted here beneath this sod (Claude Coates – Art Director, Master of Paint Effects and Lighting)

RIP MR. SEWELL the victim of a dirty duel (Ted(?) Sewell – Engineer/Draughtsman(?))

IN MEMORY OF OUR PATRIARCH dear departed grandpa marc (Marc Davis illustrator, idea man, funniest Imagineer)

REQUIESCAT FRANCIS XAVIER no time off for good behavior RIP (Xavier Atencio – scriptwriter, and lyricist, Grim Grinning Ghosts

DEAR DEPARTED BROTHER DAVE he chased a bear into a cave

MASTER GRACEY LAID TO REST no mourning please at his request (Yale Gracey – illusionist)

HERE LIES A MAN NAMED MARTIN the lights went out on this old spartan (Bill Martin – Art Director)

Disneyland Haunted Mansion

Pet Cemetery

<bat> FREDDIE the Bat 1847

<upside down> We’ll Miss You

<frog> OLD FLYBAIT He Croaked August 9 1869

<pig> ROSIE She was a poor little Pig but she bought the Farm 1849


<skunk> Beloved Lilac Long on Curiosity… Short on Common Scents  m1847 There is a cat surrounded by little mouse grave markers. One that says “Fi Fi”

Those below are found on the red brick wall:-

<rat> In Memory My Rat Whom I Loved Now He Resides in the Realms Up Above

<spider> Here lies Long Legged Jeb Got tangled up in his very own web

<fish> October 10 1867

<snake>(long snakey grave marker) Here lies my snake who’s fatal mistake was frightening the gardener who carried a rake

<eagle?> July 11 1864

Over on the wall near the railroad:-

Theo Later

U.R. Gone

Ray N. Carnation

Dustin T. Dust

Lev Itation

G.I. Miss You

I Trudy Departed

Rust in Peece

I.L. Beback

M.T. Tomb


“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave  acts.” ~Aristotle




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