Twitter Acronym’s & useful information

Twitter Acronym’s 

& useful information 

Twitter Acronym’s & useful information

Twitter is the hottest service that is taking the internet world by storm.

Millions of users ranging from common man to celebrities to presidents are using twitter and for many users this service has become as essential as a mobile phone.

As this service is so popular there is lot of buzz that we come across through blog posts, friends, celebrity talks and etc.

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10 Twitter Money Making Tips


10 Twitter Money Making Tips

Want to learn how to make money with Twitter?

Follow these tips to help you cash in using one of the hottest social marketing tools on the web:

1. Be sure to “Tweet” to your followers every time you make a post or update pages on your blog. Be sure to add a catchy title to each of your headlines that will bring in more clicks.

  2. If you want to follow others in your niche and see what they’re twittering about, use the Twitter search tool located at: Make sure that you’re also following your competitors. Send them an @username message. By sending them an @username message. If any of their followers happen to see your name, you may get a few curiosity clicks to your profile.

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